Saffron Global Business
Saffron Global Business
Do you know the export statistics for saffron in 2017?
Do you know how much saffron from Iran was exported in 2017?
Do you know how much shipments of saffron exported have been?
Do you know that Iran has been exporting saffron to Hong Kong, Spain, UAE, and the United States?

Saffron Global Business
The table below shows the export figures for saffron in the last 6 months of 2017 with numbers and figures and 5 top destination countries.
Do you know that Iran exports to more than 100 countries in the world?

export iranian saffron to Hong Kong
If you want to enter the saffron business, this table will help you.
About 250 tons of saffron are produced annually in the world.
With producing 230 tons of saffron, Iran has been ranked first in terms of quality and quantity in the world.
Normally alittle amount of the 230 tons of saffron obtained in Iran, about 30 tons are consumed inside Iran and 200 tons more are exported to more than 100 countries worldwide.

export iranian saffron
Countries such as Spain and the United Arab Emirates export iran saffron. They put Iran saffron in their beautiful, fashioned packaging, with their brand name and export it to other countries all around the world.
If you want to trade saffron, Firoozeh Trading Co can help you to buy saffron without intermediary from Iran and carry out custom releasejobs and export to your contry by air.
Please call us for more information or click on this link :
Tel: +98 5138330948-9 / + 98 9129374366
Wattsapp: + 98 9151517318
Wechat ID:OmidAfshoun
Telegram: @firoozetradingco
Instagram: @firoozetradingco
Firooze Trading company address in Iran:
Unit 201, No 110, Salman tower, Rahnamayi ave , Ahmadabad st , Mashhad, Iran.
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